Davis Cup si Fed Cup sunt subiecte complexe. Oricat ai scrie la subiect despre ele, tot de atatea ori simti ca te abati. Imi place sa numesc cele doua competitii copii nazdravani ai Federatiei Internationale de Tenis, din mai multe motive.
Nu doresc sa ma agat de vreun firicel pentru a rostogoli o poveste, dar mi s-a parut extrem de interesant punctul de vedere al lui Roger Federer dupa castigarea Davis Cup in anul 2014 si decizia de neparticipare la intalnirea imediat urmatoare din anul 2015:
“It wasn’t a difficult decision.
I have played for so long, and I think by winning it I can finally do whatever I please, to be quite honest.
It’s been a big burden for me throughout my career and one of the things that has caused more difficulties in my life than many other things, I must say.
I always feel there is so much guilt put on you from the federation or from the ITF, more so than anybody else. So I’m happy I was able to finally tick that off and do it altogether.”
E un sentiment unic dintr-un subiect complex.
Cu drag,